Lauren Dodrill

Director of Marketing
  • Joined Counterpart in 2019
  • Favorite food: Korean
  • Fun fact: Lauren tries to read 100 books a year.
  • Joined Counterpart in 2019
  • Favorite food: Korean
  • Fun fact: Lauren tries to read 100 books a year.

As the Director of Marketing, Lauren Dodrill is passionate about contributing towards the betterment of Counterpart. With years of experience working in Communication and Marketing, Lauren thrives on attention to detail, multitasking, and organization. You could think of her as a modern-day Monica Geller.

When she is not working, you could find Lauren reading, researching her next country to visit, or learning French and Korean. She is an advocate for all things book related, video games, and always searching for that perfect cup of coffee.

Lauren holds a Bachelor of Science in Communication and Marketing with a minor in Foreign Relations from Indiana University