Matt James

Senior Developer
  • Joined Counterpart in 2000
  • Favorite food: Pizza
  • Fun fact: Matt has been a member of Circle City Curling Club since 2015.
  • Joined Counterpart in 2000
  • Favorite food: Pizza
  • Fun fact: Matt has been a member of Circle City Curling Club since 2015.

Matt James is an accomplished Senior Software Developer and partner at Counterpart. While managing the organization with his partners, Matt continues to develop software full-time.

Never one to be caught unprepared, Matt devotes significant effort to the planning of each new project. His keenly intuitive mind allows him to anticipate issues and direct the solution to success.

The Ball State University alum has always had a knack for innovation. Over the span of his career as a lead developer at Counterpart, Matt has been instrumental in the production of countless applications. He is especially enthusiastic when the project is particularly complex and requires carefully executed steps.

Outside of the office, Matt enjoys watching movies, curling, bike riding and all things Star Wars.