Brett Zonick

  • Joined Counterpart in 2022
  • Favorite food: his mom's Chicken-Fried Steak
  • Fun fact: Brett is still in touch with almost all of his friends from high school, even though they have all drastically changed as people.
  • Joined Counterpart in 2022
  • Favorite food: his mom's Chicken-Fried Steak
  • Fun fact: Brett is still in touch with almost all of his friends from high school, even though they have all drastically changed as people.

Originally from Portland Oregon, and now currently living in Lafayette, developer Brett Zonick has always been passionate about computers. Be it gaming, coding, or hardware, he’s interested in it all. Here at Counterpart, he develops and tests code for new projects, and interacts with clients.

Brett lives with his girlfriend and his cat, a small gray tabby (ex-stray) named Minerva. Despite the computer fixation, Brett likes to read and write in his spare time, and graduated from the Rose-Hulman Institute for Technology in May of 2022, with two minors in humanities.