Employee Spotlight: Sawyer Powell

  • Drew Linn
  • July 14, 2022

We have some pretty great people here at Counterpart, why not share more about them? This month, we are showcasing Sawyer Powell!

What do you do at Counterpart?

Software Architecture / Project Management.

What inspires you?

Seeing people doing things out of the pure goodness of their hearts is very inspiring for me. When we start to become attentive to the small acts of kindness happening all the time all around us inspiration can be found everywhere.

What are two things you love about working at Counterpart?

I really enjoy the small company feel, I can really feel the impact of my work. I also love the feeling of professionalism and respect that the employees have for each other.

What are three words you would use to describe Counterpart?Sawyer Powell

Fast, dynamic, reliable.

What’s something most people don’t know about you?

I can speak Spanish and French and am learning Mandarin.

What are your hobbies outside of work?

I enjoy meditation and cycling. I also spend time learning about topics which I find interesting, whether that be related to development technologies, philosophy, science, or languages. I love spending time learning some new skills or changing the way I look at the world.

If you could visit anywhere in the world you’ve never been, where would you go?

I would love to go to Iceland or north Scotland.

If you could pick one superpower, what would it be?

I would like a superpower where I could control my body in different ways. Choose when I want to be tired, hungry, turn on and off feeling pain, or make myself very strong when I have to do moving.

What are three material things you couldn’t live without?

My computer is very necessary for my livelihood, my credit and debit cards are also necessary, and finally my bed and pillow.

What is your favorite tv show/movie and/or book?

My favorite book is The Waves by Virginia Woolf, I find the way it is written to be magical.

What is your last played song on Spotify? (No cheating!)

Tin King by Ultraísta

What’s the one snack we’d always find in your kitchen?


Check out more about Sawyer Powell, what he does, and his history with Counterpart in his company profile here!

Posted in Company, General