One of the most valuable assets a company owns sits at the feet of the receptionist, behind server room doors (hopefully locked), or in an external data center (or its new, prestigious name, the ‘Cloud’).
These assets are, of course, the data that a company has carefully nurtured for years, or, in many cases, shoved onto a server like the winter scarves that are thrown into the hall closet, never to be seen again. Regardless of how it was gathered, or how carefully it is guarded, a company’s data can become a critical part of any business’ success.
As we bring on new clients and have the ‘Data is the New Oil’ discussion with them, we continue to be delighted with the changes that their vision and our ability to bring their data to the surface has on their processes, productivity, and profits. The realization that they can reshape their worlds around their data has produced a lot of amazingly creative ideas.
A few of my favorites:
Each of these clients has discovered the oil just beneath the surface of their businesses. It’s always been there, or needed to be collected, but ignored because it was just too hard to extract and impossible to use.
We build applications that focus on data and a user experience that will maximize the value of that data. We can reach into your existing systems, create new databases, or expose your data to your other systems.
Posted in Business, Software Services